Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Memory of You

My son he often asks of you
and wonders where you’d be
I told him you were sick
and now that you are free.

He holds you in his Heart
this little 5 year old
He never got to meet you
but listens when he’s told

of your new home in Heaven
and what it would be like

He joins me in this passion
of keeping you alight
with memory keepsake boxes
that many hold so tight

So when a box is given
my love goes with it too
because that is all
I have left of you

By Robyn Spring
5th December, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a awesome insight on your loss. I am saddened and I remind myself that carson is spending his second christmas with GOD how awesome for him. I am sad only for me. I miss all the things that he and I should have done together. I hope that God sends you peace and comfort all through the coming year