Sunday, June 15, 2008

Comfort & Reassurance

What we are trying to reflect in this website, is to give you a place to find comfort and reassurance and give others an understanding. I don't have any medical training or offer any medical advise, there is too much medical emphasis already or medically we find no answers to our pain. I want to help comfort you where the real pain is, the Heart, no matter what the medical implication is or isn't, you have suffered a great loss. Let us help you with love and let us help you, to cherish the memory of your baby.


Now as I think of you, I often think of you with a smile, knowing you are in a better place and I am at peace with that. Some days I miss that I didn’t get to meet you.

I know that one day I will. To hold your hand, to kiss your cheek, to tuck your hair behind your ear, to look into your eyes, to feel your soft skin and to tell you…..
I love you

I think back to the time when you were taken away, – when I felt lonely and confused. That I didn’t get to hold your little hands or tickle your little toes.

But now, because of you, I can make a difference. Although your stay was only short, I know you brought with you a purpose. And because of you…. others will gain comfort, as I needed, when I had to say goodbye to you, but there was nothing for me to treasure your memory.

You were too small for a funeral and too small for people to acknowledge.

The pain, it eases with time, but you never forget your little ones, you treasure them in your heart and you remember them often.

My grief and pain are no more, but I still sometimes shed a tear for my little ones,
as I will miss seeing them grow.
I will always cherish them.
I will always remember them

I hope others can find comfort here,
Because of You.

Written by Robyn Spring

A Memory of You

My son he often asks of you
and wonders where you’d be
I told him you were sick
and now that you are free.

He holds you in his Heart
this little 5 year old
He never got to meet you
but listens when he’s told

of your new home in Heaven
and what it would be like

He joins me in this passion
of keeping you alight
with memory keepsake boxes
that many hold so tight

So when a box is given
my love goes with it too
because that is all
I have left of you

By Robyn Spring
5th December, 2006

The Littlest Angel

I'm only a small child, not much do I know.
But God holds my hand as I look down below.
I'm here with the Father in the most wonderful placeyet I can't feel much joy when I see your sad face.
Your heart has been broken, I can see from up hereas you struggle along and you wipe every tear.
If only I had words I could send you todaythat would tell you I'm home and I'm really okay.
Heaven is so beautiful with sparkles and white wingsand the angels are teaching me so many things.
I'll grow and mature in this Heavenly landwhile holding on tightly to the Father's soft hand.
So don't grieve for me now but find peace in your soul,and know God has finally made your little one whole.
And even if you can't seem to understand "why",please know in your heart that our love didn't die.
He tells me that just for a time we must waitand then I can meet you at Heaven's front gate!
So for now, know I love you in my own special wayand we will meet again on that glorious day!
Copyright © Ferna Lary

For My Friend

My dear friend,
I visited your daughter recently,
and although it’s just a plaque,
I cried as I remembered
for they weren’t that far apart.

You and I we journeyed,
although it was cut short,
from sharing pregnant dates
to something – who would have thought?

I shed a tear for your little one,
for I remembered mine too
and a memory of the day
of a promise made
to help each other through!

By Robyn Spring

If Roses Grow in Heaven

If roses grow in heaven Lord
Please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my daughters arms
And tell her they’re from me.
Tell her that I love her and
Miss her, and when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek
And hold her for a while
Because remembering her is easy,
I do it everyday, but there is an ache
Within my heart that will never go away

Take A Moment to Consider........

Your loved one has just lost the most precious thing, a piece of their heart and soul – their baby.

Don’t be afraid to cry with them, share with them their pain, let them cry, allow them to grieve over their loss. Let them talk about it and don’t just assume if they are having a good day or haven’t spoken about it for weeks, that they’re over it.

Call them, let them know that you care. Be honest, if you don’t know what to say or do for them. But let them know you are there for them, anytime.

Acknowledge their baby. They want to feel that their baby did exist. Their hopes, dreams, love, excitement, happiness, protective instinct was taken away in an instant and they are left feeling lost, lonely, failure, guilt, confused and isolated.

If she does fall pregnant again, be understanding by considering her anxiousness and fears for this baby, especially at the same stage as her last. Acknowledge her fears, they are real and valid.

For only a short time

I knit you in your mothers womb,
you needed to be there,
it was only a short time
but you needed to be prepared.

I created you, intracately,
in the secret place,
your tiny frame not hidden from me
or your delicate face

I needed you to feel the warmth
the rhythm of her beat
the softness of her voice,
although you would not meet

I had a plan, you will one day see,
why I brought you home to me.

It’s only in your deepest pain
that you call unto me,
even if only to ask
“how could this be?”

My answer to you, is cant you see
I just want you to look to me

I didn’t mean to bring you harm
but bring you back to me,
to feel the fathers loving arm
and home where you should be

Although its hard to understand,
that leaving you with empty arms
could be part of a plan,
to reinforce my love
a love I’ve always had.

Written by Robyn Spring

Secret Places

....when I was growing there in secret, you knew that I was there - you saw me before I was born.
Psalm 139:15b-16a